Unleash the power of self-aware leadership.

85% of leaders don't truly understand their leadership style and how to lead through this for maximum impact.

Perform's Leadership DNA Profile provides leaders with unique insight into themselves, and their leadership style, that transforms leadership impact, and increases the success of team management techniques. And for a limited time, it's free, click the link below to access.

A woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer.


Increase self awareness, increase leadership effectiveness, increase team performance.

Perform's Leadership DNA Profile, and 12 month Discovery plan, enables leaders to: 

1. Enhance Leadership Effectiveness:
By providing leaders with increased self awareness, both through the profile and 12 months coaching support, leaders we have worked with have been proven to create at least a 30% increase in overall leadership effectiveness. 

2. Amplify Career Success Amplification: We know when leaders identify and understand their strengths and weaknesses accurately and they’ll be six times more likely to execute effectively.

3. Heightened Employee Engagement: Self-aware leaders are more thoughtful and empathetic, leading to higher engagement with employees. Help your leaders understand their impact on those they manage and see performance rise team-wide.

4. Strengthened Interpersonal Bonds: When leaders are open and vulnerable employees can form closer relationships with them and produce more effective work.

5. Enhance Team Performance: Imagine increasing your profitability by over 10% after just one intervention. That’s the impact of the increased self awareness leaders have following Perform's Leadership DNA profile, and understanding how to direct their leadership strengths to optimise team dynamics.

For a limited time, to give more leaders and managers the power of increased self-awareness, we are offering the Leadership DNA Profile for FREE.

A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.
Driving Change
Driving Change
Driving Change

What's included?

Elevate leadership insight at every level.

Unlock leadership potential with Perform's Leadership DNA Profile. Get eye opening insights in specific leadership behavioural drivers, track progress accurately, and recieve actionable advice for improvement.

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Tailored Insights Report

Easily view leadership strengths, blindspots and strategic notes for a range of leadership situations in our custom tailored insights report. All you have to do is implement and watch productivity and performance rise.

Customised Online Training

We make our tailored insights as easy as possible to internalise via bite-sized videos, self-reflection exercises and workbooks that build on our Perform Behavioural Profile.

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Practical Action Plan

Get the next steps you need to enhance your leadership style and effectiveness, elevating team dynamics, using our customesed actionable recommendations.

The LEADERSHIP DNA Learning Experience

Three Steps To Self-Aware Leadership

Stage 1 – Discovery

Decoding The Perform Behavioural Profile

Our profile is based on 72 questions which help us create your comprehensive customised report, and your unique Leadership DNA Profile. We help you identify your strengths and blindspots across eighteen distinct workplace behaviours, and then contextualise how these impact how you lead your team every day.  

Stage 2 – Empowerment

Applying Insight Into Action

What good is insight if you don't know how to apply it? Through a customised report with key tips and tricks, and the ongoing support of 12 months of group coaching both live and online, we give you the support you need to apply each of the 18 core behaviours in everyday working life, maximising the impact on your leadership and team dynamics.

A man sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen.
Stage 3 – maximise impact

Aligning Leadership Behaviours

By leveraging the insights learned, you will be able to align your leadership behaviours completely with your career goals and your desired leadership style, to drive higher levels of business impact and more conscious management of your team for high performance.

A group of men sitting at a wooden table.


Leadership self awareness is one of the strongest predictors of workplace performance.

Studies show that 85% of leaders believe they are self-aware when in actuality, only 10-15% are.

Leadership self-awareness has a huge impact on success and self-aware leaders have been proven to deliver over 150% higher business ROI.  Perform's Leadership DNA Profile significantly increases leadership self-awareness.

Unlock your leadership potential and get eye opening insights into the behavioural drivers that most impact how you lead, then actionable  advice for improvment.

For a limited time, to give more leaders and managers the power of increased self-awareness, we are offering the Leadership DNA Profile for FREE.

Accelerate Career Success

Leaders who are conscious of their behavioural strengths and blindspots, and apply this in how they lead their team, achieve six times more career success.

Ignite Engagement

Leaders who use their own behavioural strengths to maximise their interactions with their team, maxmise team engagement.

Build Trusted Relationships

Leaders who are self-aware and open with their team on their own strengths and blindspots build more trusted relationships, and as a result get higher levels of buy-in and collaboration.

Drive Team Performance

Leaders who understand their own behaviour, and influence their team accordingly, have been proven to net significant performance gains.

A group of people sitting around a laptop computer.

“Duo has been a big part of our growth over the last two years, they have helped us scale up quickly and efficiently and maintain excellent staff retention. We couldn’t wish for a better partner through a period of high growth.”

Kris Kennedy
Orange Bus


Explore the Perform team plan that most meets your needs.

Discover which of our two team plans is right for you.

Essential Plan

Facilitates leadership self reflection via the Perform Behavioural Profile and gives instant clarity into the behavioural needs of each team through the Team Profile. Includes foundational training on each.  

Designed for leaders who are looking for to build a base level understanding around their own behaviours as a leader, and the behavioural needs of their team, then learn how to better manage their team accordingly.

Essential+ Plan

Delivers everything the Essential Plan, plus gives a Perform Behavioural Profile and personal performance learning access to all team members and 12 month access to the Perform Circle learning & development space.

Designed for leaders who are looking to build a deeper understanding of themselves and their team, provide access to training for their whole team, and receive continued leadership development and coaching.

For Enterprise

Gives you a birds eye view of the entire organisation.

Unique behavioral makeup

Personalized insights and recommendations

Uncover your strengths and areas for growth

Increase your leadership impact today.

Unlock the power of self-aware leadership with the Perform Leadership DNA Profile.

Get actionable insight across 18 different behaviours and uncover the behavioural strengths that contribute to your unique ability, helping you lead in the areas where you perform at your very best.

Understand your behavioural blindspots and learn how to overcome them as you lead and manage your team.

A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.